Thursday, January 02, 2014

Holy Ground

Thoughts from Fall Bible Study:

Sometimes things can't be explained they are far to frustrating, far too ironic, far too out of our control. Someone in Bible Study said in those times that's when you, "Just take off your shoes because this is Holy Ground." Yes. That makes perfect sense. God is always at work and in those moments when things just don't make sense or He wants you to do something that just seems too hard that's when you throw up your hands and take off your shoes. When it can't be explained, it doesn't make sense you don't know how it will work you can be sure you are walking on Holy Ground.

A fellow mom, lost a baby (invitro) and on the day when that baby would have been 1 she came home from the hospital with a healthy baby girl. That's Holy Ground  that's God' timing and irony at its masterful work.

I know I find myself many times a day wondering how to manage and cope with little ones who need so much of me (all at the same time) and I feel a great responsibility to be the mom who will lead them to Jesus. The magnitude of that leaves me no other choice but to take off my shoes and say, "This is Holy Ground, I don't know how to do what you want but I will trust you that you will help me do what you ask."

In some cultures, taking off your shoes is done to cut down on muddy rugs. In other cultures, it is a form of respect and submission. What I have noticed about being barefooted, I am more aware of where I am stepping. If it is sticky then I know what I must mop or wipe. If there are clovers, I know I need to watch out for bees. Being barefooted forces us to pay attention to our environment and our path. If we find ourselves barefooted on Holy Ground, we just might feel in our feet what God is doing and where He is taking us. 

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