Thursday, June 21, 2007

Steaming Toward the DuPonts

Walter drives steam cars for fun, he took me, his parents and my grandpop on a Steam Car Tour Wednesday. One of the stops was at one of the home of a DuPont... you know Teflon, black powder, "Safety First"...

What a thrill to be there and bring my Pop.

I come from a long line of DuPont employees. My great-grandfather Luigi Fabiani worked at the Repauno dynamite factory for 40some years, my grandpop was a supervisor at Jackson Lab -and prides himself on knowing the names and spelling of everyone who worked there. And my dad was a draftsman for 30some years at DuPont. For my whole life, I have been influenced by the importance of "Safety First," something my dad brought home as a lesson for his family to learn. So what an opportunity to meet one of the ancestors of a man whose chemistry advancements and business sense has financially supported the Fabianis for well over 50 years.

Our gracious hosts provided lunch on the lawn under a tent for the group of 60+ Steam Car Tour participants. Our lovely hosts coupled with the weather made this one of the most delightful days -at times I felt like I stuck in an extra long Eden Moment! Billowy clouds, refreshing breeze, warm sun but not too hot, stunning views and just this sense that I was in a special moment for so many reasons. The only thing that was missing was an organza dress and flower-donned hat, but even that was ok.

Mr. DuPont took Pop and I for a tour of his pipe organ, and he shared personal family stories. We had the opportunity to wander around this first floor, which revealed a couple who are classy and yet very down to earth and family orientated!

It was a wonder full day and I am glad I was able to spend this time with my Pop.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A Fedex to....

So you'll never guess who I sent a Fedex to today?

Hillary Rodham Clinton!

Not that I am a fan... but you know when you live a simple life and you get to send a Fedex to a presidential candidate who has the potential to turn the United States into more a liberal country than it already is well... it is certainly something to blog about.

So you know what, I was thinking about the most the whole time I was in the Fedex shop?
Is my hand writing neat enough???

I don't think it was very neat. Mostly, I am concerned someone at the Senate office say, "What idiot wrote this scribble out?" Ultimately, it is legible enough for the Fedex guy... I guess that's the most important part.

I also saw a very large man walking a very tiny dog. That struck me as funny!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hope Abounds Even for the Over 30?

In Unprotected I read (on page 120-121) about Amanda who is 38 and now wants children. This is her reality...

"Even if she soon falls in love and marries, ... her chances of conceiving
each month have decreased by 75%, compared to when she was 30.
Of course, it could still happen, if she's lucky. But if she does conceive,
the possibility of miscarriage has tripled, the rate of still birth has doubled,
and the risk of genetic abnormality is six times as great. Her pregnancy is
more likely to be complicated by high blood pressure or diabetes and her
baby is more likely to be premature or low birth weight, conditions associated
with neurological impairment as well as sudden infant death."

If you are over 30 and want kids but are missing a husband, you probably know some of these statistics. If you are over 30 and want a career and still think you have time for kids after your career is established you may not know these statistics... welcome to the over 30 reality.

Ok so where is the abounding hope? God opens the womb and He closes the womb and we should trust His will for our life. Well yeah...

Still when I read about Amanda, I got nervous for myself. I certainly haven't chosen singleness. I mean I wanted to be married with kids by now, that's not been my lot in life so far. I am one headed for "high risk pregnancy." This of course made me think of some of my girlfriends who are in the same boat - some a little older some a littler younger than me.

And yes God is sovereign and we need to trust Him, but sometimes its really hard. And sometimes what God gives us doesn't make us happy.

But I am encouraged, because stirring within me is an urgency to double my efforts to pray and encourage hope. A couple months ago, I purchased 4 copies of The Allure of Hope (my favorite book) to give away. I feel that strongly about that book. I wanted my friends to be challenged and encouraged by it the way I was.

Recipient #1 called me the other day and was surprisingly impressed with the book.
Recipient #2 told me tonight "it is the best book I have ever read. It is drawing me to close to God. Every page has something..."
Recipient #3 is waiting for school to let out
Recipient #4 will be receiving her copy soon.

Recipient #4 has my heart aching for her because she is just so frustrated. She wants a good man and to have children and she is seeking God and praying, but still having to deal with the reality of age and seeing other people get what she wants.

So as I was out walking tonight, God laid it on my heart to fast for her. One of the other struggles of being over 30 is the few extra pounds you never had before. You may not be able to see it but I do. I can say "no" to cookies and cakes, but I don't. But I will, I'll do it for you #4 because I know and understand your pain and frustration. And I don't want to see you facing what "Amanda" is facing... anymore than I do!

So hope is abounding, the Allure of Hope is doing its works among many hearts, I am planning to say "no" to cookies, cakes, sweet breads and pancakes, God is at work in matching me & my girlfriends with men who will love, adore and walk the paths of righteousness with them and He does open the wombs... so apparently hope is abounding even for the over 30

Monday, June 04, 2007

So Cool

Walter and I were brousing Barnes and Noble Sunday, when I spoted a familiar pink book.
Cup of Comfort for Women. I have 3 devotionals in this daily inspirational book. What a marvelous thrill to see you name in print in the middle of Barnes and Noble! Its pretty cool!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Best Chain Letter Ever

One of the best email "fowards" I have seen in a long time.
I got a really good laugh out of this one!

The Chain Letter We've Been Waiting For
by Nora Ephron

Dear Friends,
This chain letter was started in hopes of bringing relief to tired and discouraged women.
Just send a copy of this letter to five of your female friends who are equally tired and discontented.

Then bundleup the man in your life, send him to the woman whose name appears at the top of the following list, and add your name to the bottom of the list. When your turn comes,
you will receive 15,625 men. One of them is bound to be better than the one you already have, if you have one.

At the writing of this letter, a friend of mine had already received 184 men, all of whom were better than the sad example she starte out with. An unmarried woman living with her widowed mother was able to choose between a Chippendale dancer and an Olympic swimmer.

You can be lucky, too, but DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN! One woman broke the chain and got her own husband back! So let's keep it going, ladies! Just add your name and address to the list below: Laura Bush 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC

Ok so its a little twisted... but you got to admit its funny... though I for one wouldn't trade my Walter in for any of the 15,625 men I could get...