Monday, January 03, 2011

Fruit of my Grandparents

I wrote the following for my grandparents for Christmas. My Pop suggested I have it patented... well I don't know about that but I can self publish ;-) and share with the world just how wonderful my grandparents are!

As you near 90, I think of all the years I have been blessed to have you in my life. Now that I have Walter I think of all the things I want him to learn from you, inherit from you, and value like you do. Here are just a few...

I hope he learns the value of a compost pile.

I hope he learns and develops the skill and patience to produce something

whether its tomatoes, honey, wine …

I hope he is generous with his loved ones and those in need.

I hope he can tell a good story and include a song in it too

and appreciate a good story when he hears one.

I hope he works circles around everyone else.

I hope he has a mind for remembering details (names, birthdays, dates, faces) because people feel respected & loved when you remember their name etc...

I hope when people hear his name they only have good things to say.

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