Sunday, August 27, 2006

Purely by Accident

I finally found what I was looking for -at least one of the things I was looking for...

At my friends Abby and Monica's old apartment we would hear this music that made me long to be a bellydancer. I would dance around in their apartment and threaten to go knocking on doors until I found the apartment playing the music so I could get my own belly shaking, hip moving, finger cymbal clanging CD.

That didn't happen, I tried searching online but that just went no where. Now its been years since I first heard that music. Today, I found the song purely by accident. I had no idea the artist would turn out to be an Indian rapper from England who mixed in the theme song from Knight Rider. So check out "Panjabi MC." I have no idea what they are saying... probably better that way. But the beat is great and if swing my hips right I might just lose my post-30 (years) pounds

I will say that I am super excited to have found something that I thought I would never come across again. Its nice when things happen purely by accident especially good things!

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