Thursday, August 24, 2006

Now That is Glorious

I love the Lord. He heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

-- Psalm 116:1-2

I was talking to a future kindergartner today. I asked if she could write her name yet. With some prompting I got her to take the pencil. Oh the horror she held the pencil in a fist! The teacher in me writhed in pain. So I showed her how to hold the pencil the "right way" and she did an excellent job. But I felt sort of bad for correctly her. So I asked her to write her name holding the pencil the way she usually does and she did. And I noticed something and so did she.
I asked which one she thought looked neater and she said the first one (the one where she held the pencil the right way). Interesting I thought to myself. There was such a surge of teacher pride in me. I was suddenly full of hope that I be drawn back into that field someday somehow... because teaching little kids is inside of me. These teachable moments are glorious.

But that not all. What's even more glorious is what God taught me. How many times does He ask that we do something His way and we do it. Then, the opportunity comes up or we step out of His way of doing things and we do things our way.

Then He says ok lets look at the two, which looks better my way or your way... His way always looks better. Not always easier, comfortable or convenient but definitely better. To me this is glorious well He spoke to me and He was right. His way is best.

I will call on him as long as I live because... well... He is glorious.

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