Saturday, December 01, 2018

Flash of Scarlet

(Drafted in June)

The hummingbird has become an almost daily visitor. We catch a glimpse. He slips away.
He sips the coral bells and zips off into the maple tree.  Raising the question does he have a nest there?  What kind of nests to hummingbirds have?

This day he lingered and investigated the running sprinkler as well as the coral bells. 

He seemed to drink the drops in the air. A feat only a hummingbird could manage?

He flashed his scarlet throat; its vibrancy like a fire of color. An other worldly color, something more akin to a burning bush and Holy Ground.

A fire I have felt fading.

That blessed flashy throat, that longer than usual linger of a tiny bird was like a fresh needed air.

With your quick wings fan the fire.

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