Thursday, June 21, 2012


There is something so satisfying about picking raspberries. I have never had the opportunity to pick them before. My parents came over and we toke the little boy, who was more interested in playing with sticks than picking berries. He did manage to pick and eat a few.

The ripe berry pulls effortlessly off the cone it was once firmly attached to. The not so ripe berry requires a little more tugging. The berries were just beautiful and tasty. The bushes were still plentiful so you didn't have to hunt too hard for ripe berries but if you did turn over a few leaves there was a mother load waiting to be picked. The weather was cool and before you knew it we had 10+ pounds of berries. And the little love of my life had the playground on the farm all to himself too!  I left the field feeling very satisfied. Fresh berries to eat for the next few days and fresh berries to freeze for days to come!

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