Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the Thick of Things

In the thick of things. It is not always the best place to be. Nor is it the best place to watch someone you love be...

In the thick of small town political drama.
In the thick of singleness.
In the thick of infertility issues.
In the thick of health issues.
In the thick of running a business in a struggling over-regulated economy.

It isn't a pretty sight sometimes - most times.

It leaves me wondering what more can I do? The best thing I can do is pray and yet this simplistic action feels like the hardest thing. It would be so much more satisfying to write a letter to the editor. However, stirring the pot isn't always the best course of action either - for so many reasons.

So I must find myself deep in the thick of prayer because I know this is the best course of action if I am to offer any help or comfort to those who are caught in the thick of something messy or painful or disappointing.

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