Monday, July 09, 2007


Today, I was expecting bedlam. Instead everything went smoothly! Why does that surprise me? After all I prayed a lot about this particular day and the challenges I knew I would face. Moving the office, 10 Chinese Scholars visiting, not to mention my regular duties.

Still I was surprised that I got everything done I needed to at the Post Office and the Chinese Food Restaurant and the van rental place. I even managed to print, fold and stuff 40 letters despite being surrounded by many boxes. And we got things straightened out with EZPass! A major scratch off the list!

I guess I am the worst case scenario girl. I always think the worst and then can't believe it (and yet also relieved) when it doesn't happen.

I had the chance to spend a little time talking to an older lady tonight who reminded me of many answered prayers. Today was proof that God is in the small details and he does answer prayer.

He smooths things out to prevent bedlam - sometimes. Perhaps this is because he knows sometimes we'll appreciate his goodness and love toward us in the smoothness of things rather than us having to smooth out the bedlam.

I am not sure what expect tomorrow bedlam or smooth sailing but goodness and love will be there.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

I understand only because I am married to the worst case scenario guy! LOL! Glad things worked out.