Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So Friday I got into a little bit of trouble. For months now we have been under construction and watching from the lunch/work room. I have been wanting to climb through the window into the construction zone since there was a floor installed! So Friday we did it. (I'll protect my accomplice's name;-) We tromped through the window as we took a look-see at the drywallers, sprinkler installers and HVAC people. When we were done, we came back to the window and it was closed. We banged on it till someone came to let us in. Someone wasn't pleased. Not only had we tracked in drywall dust but we were a liability. Yeah, I know not too smart.

I have always been a rule follower. I can only remember a few times in grammar school when I knowingly did something wrong. Invariably I got caught and I hated the feeling I being caught. I felt like that Friday- sheepish. Although, I am glad I got the urge to climb through the window out of my system! I was remembering an old boyfriend who took me hiking at Bushkill Falls -many years ago- he wanted to go off the trail. I would have no parts of it because their rule was "Stay on the Trail." He thought I was a killjoy. Perhaps.

Rules are there for a reason, common sense said I shouldn't climb through the window into a construction zone. I did and I got caught. Listening to our common sense is just as important as listening to the still that small voice speak. If we use our common sense then it isn't necessarily necessary for the Holy Spirit to speak.

Tonight the Holy Spirit did speak, he said, "Go see cousin Pat." I know better than to argue with him when he says stuff like this, I argued anyway. I tried to fain "I am too tired" or "maybe she doesn't want guests at this hour." I was even straightforward with the Holy Spirit when I said, "I just don't want to!" Naaa none of those excuses would eliminate the nudge to go. It was the right thing to do. She is sick and lonely and a visit is the least I could do... (I should probably be happy that the Holy Spirit choose to speak to me.)

Its probably worse to disobey the Holy Spirit's urging than to get caught covered in drywall dust outside of a window you shouldn't have gone through...
Even for a notorious rule follower like me, I find that I still have a long way to go before I come close always do the right thing or using common sense!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it is a good thing I wasn't there because I would have been in trouble too! LOL! It would have been too tempting not to climb out and look.

I had a similar thing happen this week. I was suppose to just drop something off at my Grammy and leave. But we ended up staying and playing ball with her in the front yard of her retirement home. Even though I was tired and wanted to go home, I know it was the right thing to do and glad I didn't ignore that prompting.

Miss you Liz! Think of you everytime I use that darn cat towel. LOL!