Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Why I Need the Electronic Babysitter

So in my feeble attempts to control my boy, I decided that he couldn't "watch a show" unless he tried some new food. This was about as successful as digging a hole in the tundra with a plastic spoon. The only person more stubborn that me is him. Seriously, that little honey badger has me beat though. He doesn't care about shows. He just played or followed me around like a little shadow. He just didn't care. He had no interest in trying something new and no interest in trying again something he formally liked.

About 10 days into this experiment I felt like the Lord said, "Give it 40 days" - seemed appropriate since I know He has a thing for 40 days. So 40 days with time served so I only had to go another 28-30 days. In all that time, the only thing he tried was popcorn and grilled cheese. Not exactly what I was hoping for but I took it because I need the break. Frankly, I missed The Wonder Pets!

It was a test in my ability to stick to my word and be consistent. It also was an exercise in futility because I can't control what he puts in his mouth anymore than I can make him say, "I have to use the toilet" but that's a story for another day. So maybe I get points for consistency, but I was still disappointed when some kind of breakthrough didn't happen.

The biggest result of this exercise was the uprising of my mean-spiritedness. There was just no peace and quiet. There was no break. There was just no "Wonder Pets on the way." I was worn down. I have to have the electronic babysitter once in a while - if not everyday- because by bedtime I felt mean and snarly and angry.

I'll admit I feel mean and snarly by bedtime most days but I have definitely been more acutely aware of it while going without kids shows. So for me and my house to help keep my mean-spiritedness at bay we have to have a couple shows during the day because I need the break to help keep me sane, and get food on the table - even if it is just another PB&J.

One thing is for sure, I do not want my mean-spiritedness to get the better of me or get the urge to "pinch" my children because I can't control them. They are after all sinners like me with similar tendencies to try and overcome.

Believe me when I say I was so happy to reach day 40 and will never pull anything like that again!


Janel said...

Motherhood isn't for wimps. It doesn't get easier as they get older; the relationships only transform into different kinds of trials. Then forty days become forty weeks or, sometimes, forty months. (The whole forty month thing totally stinks by the way.)

Although I knew they were right when older moms told me I'd miss the crazy toddler years back when I was drowning with three little boys and never thought I'd live to see bedtime, the time it took to get to the missing part was shorter than I ever imagined. Eighteen years flew by in a blink. With Josh graduating high school 6 weeks ago, I now completely understand.

Life is fleeting. I would encourage you to seek to see this time as a blessing. Revel in the exhaustion and frustration because it means you're trying to do the right thing. Trust Jesus to help you do the right thing at the right moment. Hang on to the truth that all things ready do work out for good because you love Him. And never ever give up hope. Besides, the sanctification of Mom happens one temper tantrum at a time. And we don't ever want to miss the blessing of that...

Brandy said...

I hear ya Liz. Russ told me just to give up and feed our picky eater PBnJ. Argh! So guess what she eats almost every day?! And God bless PBS! A morher's best friend.