I went to school for Elementary Education but honestly apart from Thematic Units I don't remember much about my classes. We may have covered Classical Education I can't recall a thing.
So to see education with fresh mother eyes and hear about Classical Education it was - well- it was eye opening.
Our Founding Fathers were classically educated. They produced documents that have lasted centuries. The people supported them, fought for them, fought with them and understood what these documents meant for them and their posterity. Over the years, men and women have willing laid down their life to protect the law of the land.
Over the years, our education system has failed our Founding Fathers by producing students who don't understand our form of government, why it is unique and why we as a Nation are an important force for good in the world. All you have to do is watch old youtube clips of Jay Leno's Jaywalking segaments to see how ignorant our citizens are. It is scary.
So I was sitting in the practicum a little spellbound and had this revelation.
200 years ago kids were educated in one room school houses and understood their form of government. And this was my revelation, classical education is needed to continue self - government. How can a nation of people who don't understand our Nation's documents be expected to recognize or even care when those documents are being trampled on?
They can't think for themselves. They do what they are told. They believe what they are told. They don't question or research if it is true. They believe what the tweet, post or anchorman says.
In contrast, the classically educated person is trained to ask questions and research. They have learned history so they can see it repeating. I don't think the average public school is doing this. This is why our nation is in such peril, no one is thinking.
Today, things are so dumbed down as it was designed. A nation of non-thinkers are easier to control.
We need a nation of thinkers to perpetuate our self-government.
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