Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Lingering Drafts

Lingering drafts. I won't let you linger anymore. As I writer, I like to have some chronology to what I write. If I write something in October but publish it in June it irks me because it is out of place. Its not in order. It may lack a backstory. However, I also feel like I have cheated myself by not being a good writer or blogger. So in a feeble attempt to give some back story.  This is what has happened in the past year.

We homeschooled with Classical Conservations.
We bought a house.
We moved.
We had to leave our church.
We have transitioned into a new community and are still searching for new connections.

Some of these were challenging. Sometimes so challenging that I was too much in the thick of it to even process it in a blog.

So I am just setting a schedule for each draft. And now because of a shift in my daily schedule and because I think writing is necessary for my soul to be whole, I hope I will be faithful to my words and this blog.

Because Hope, Glory and Wonder still abound and I need to be reminded of it too.

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