Friday, January 04, 2013

New Years Resolutions

My New Years Resolutions... not only am I on top of this but I am even working on the blog post in 2012.

Resolution #1: Reduce my butter intake. For most of my life I have been addicted to pancakes. I have had to fry them in butter because they stick to my old pan and plus that makes them more delicious. I got a new griddle for Christmas that doesn't require butter. So the resolution is happening by default but I could use a little help keeping a resolution!

Resolution #2 Clean up pancake mix drips after they happen rather than at dinner time when it is caked on to the counter.

Crystal Paine of had a fresh idea on resolutions and yearly goals so I am stealing her idea and going to focus on one word to help me make 2013 and my resolutions be a little more productive and practicable and make me a little less sluggish and behind the 8 ball.


I didn't have to think at all on this one word goal for the year. Its already been rattling around in my life for quite some time now. Consistency is the only way I can get my son potty trained done. (Consistency with setting a timer is helping to make it happen.) Consistency is the only way I can remember to drink water, take my vitamins, lose the saddlebags and the baby fat. Consistency will help me plan meals and take stuff out of the freezer before 1:20pm in the afternoon for preparation at couple hours later.

Consistency is the only way I will pray - consistently - for stuff like consistency and wisdom for parenting issues. Because I need help with things like how to get my boy to eat fruit and veggies.

Maybe then I won't be spending so much in diapers, my back won't hurt and I can try on a dress and not feel like a frump. Otherwise I guess I am going to have to invest in a full lenght mirror to guilt me into action or go to Kohls and try on dresses to give me a boost of consistency.

So that's what my goal is to be more consistent in all the things I don't do consistently but have to, want to and should do. 

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