Friday, January 11, 2013

A Rosy Christmas on Pinterest

It was a rosy Christmas thanks to Pinterest where I found or pinned a tutorial for making felt flowers. I made felt ornaments and wreaths. I was a felt flower making fool. I even burned my finger on the glue gun. It was fun -not the burn part- the festive flowers in honor of my little Rose.

I am crazy about the way this wreath turned out. My husband even admired it.  I think I will keep it up in the kitchen for the rest of the winter. So I saw a pin on Pinterest with 4-5 different wreaths on a big double window and that was the what I was going for in the picture below. I wasn't entirely happy with the over all effect. The wreaths look like they are floating instead of hanging but using ribbon to hang the wreaths didn't look right either. So maybe next year I will devise something else. The yarn ball wreath which was inspired by a pin didn't garner much enthusiasm as it was given the name the "Meatball wreath". The other 2 wreaths were simple I put beaded garland on one and the other has a yo-yo garland I made a couple years
 ago wrapped around it.

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