Monday, December 30, 2019


Another Christmas passed. Another year I skipped Christmas cards.

Had I gotten myself together. Had I gotten my thoughts earlier I may have pulled it off.

It may have went something like this...

Walter and Rose are studying the solar system right now. We had the chance to go to a planetarium and see what lies beyond our night sky. I had deep thoughts about it, "why did God bother to make these stars and planets what is their purpose?" In preparation for Christmas, I pulled an old book off the shelf called 100 Portraits of Christ.  It is a pretty deep book with some pretty big words in it. Still these smart kids have listened and digested. In one of the portraits was this poem, Maker of the Universe by F.W. Pitt, which was also put to music by Phil Keaggy. 

His holy fingers made the bough
Which grew the thorns that crowned His brow
The nails that pierced His hands were mined
In secret places He designed

They got it. They understood. They understood the rich irony and beauty. That the baby was laid in a manger made of wood from trees he made. That he was surrounded by animals he created. They got it! 

We read about how Jesus is called the Great Shepherd. Then, realized that it was shepherds who heard the news first. Perhaps because it would be hard to fit legions of angels in someone's living room. So outside in a field was a better place. But maybe it was because Jesus would be a shepherd, who would lead his sheep. In the West sheep are driven but in Jesus' area sheep are led. Maybe too because Jesus would be the sacrificial lamb...  We watched the Shepherd again too...

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