Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Our Christmas Letter

I ran out of Christmas Cards this year. So I thought I could post my little highlights letter that I always send out with our Christmas cards or in years past as our Christmas card.

Dear Family and Friends,

I am looking back over the year and our “highlights” are more like little Christmas lights. Little bulbs of discovery, amusement, and shake your headedness. Tiny events that precede one right after the other like little flashes of light that when we put them together they are this incredible collection of memories – one conglomeration of High Little Lights.

Little Lights like – Weekly Walter is closing in on finishing the restoration of his own 1960 Lincoln.
Walter and I gave up our old flip phone for smart phones with a texting plan. This made during the day communication so much easier. It was a small change with a huge effect.

My little lights involved getting to know people better at Bible study and MOPS and serving the women in a small way that involved an important thing – breakfast!

Little lights flash for every new word little Walter can read: so, do, to, up, the….. A flash of light when he sees a word in a book, sign or at the store that he knows and points is out.
I am teaching him kindergarten work at a Preschool pace and I am enjoying the process and amazed at the progress. The little sponge soaks up words, ideas, numbers – he can count to 100 with help.  Almost daily, little light bulbs light up.

He will walk to Jr. Church on his own now and is eager to hold the door for the other kids. He finally eats apples and chicken! (Truly that maybe a legitimate Highlight!)

Rosie is a feisty firecracker. She has “music in her body” an older woman told me recently. She saw Rosie swaying to a music box. Her sweet little lights include watching that girl swing her hips like she was born to dance to VBS music! Then, you can hear her singing herself to sleep, “Jesus Loves Me….” She strings together all the songs she knows into one song so that you would think the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” lived on the “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and of course Jesus is there and loves both the spider and the star! She is so articulate and we are amazed at how much she knows and that she responds with such precision. She is also very particular about not having her hair be anything but wild and unruly. No bows or pony tails. She reminds me of the new redheaded Disney Princess Merida from the movie Brave. I just hope she doesn’t turn me into a bear someday!

All these precious little lights when put together have made for a wonderful year: busy, active, bright, tiring and challenging at times.

I hope we can all see the little lights in the coming year. The sweet songs, the tender hugs and kisses, the sincere conversations, the changes in heart and perspective.  They help light the way to the next day, remind us that all these precious lights are from the true source of Light and they keep us going and growing and enjoying.

Bright Blessings,

Liz, Rosie and the Walters

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

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