I haven't attended a Bible Study since shortly after Walter was born. It just hasn't worked out that I have been able to go to any. I have missed it. For most of my adult life, I have gone to some kind of Bible study and always found that digging a little deeper and being challenged by what the Bible has to say to be really good for me.
I guess I have been in a form of exile by not being able to go to a Bible study. Sometimes you don't realize how much you need something until you wake up for the umpteenth time and wonder,"why do I feel so spiritual dry?" "Why does the Bible seem so dull to me?" "Why is God so quiet?" So the path cleared for me to attend a Bible study again that includes free childcare! I really feel like my exile has ended.
Why do I say that?
For one, I realized I was in exile. I guess you don't always know it when you are there.
For two, I have actually been reading the Bible with the express reason of answering a question and therefore reading with some purpose.
For three, while reading and preparing for a lesson. I really felt like God spoke to me and challenged me. I even sat and mulled over what I had a read and what it acutally meant for me - for several minutes. I even underlined something. I haven't done that in a long time.
What God was hoping to communicate to me wasn't nessecarily what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. It was really helpful as well as challenging. If I can really take ahold of what was communicated to me, those times of exile that just have to happen might be more managable if I look at the big picture.
For now I am going to enjoy the time of fellowship and learning and hope this refreshing will keep my dry soul hydrated for awhile.
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