Walter and I are on Week 2 of preschool for 2 year olds. I feel quite exhilarated as I plan out themes, projects, print out papers to color and pin ideas on Pinterest. I find myself reinforcing the key elements of the weeks lessons through out the day. I know its common sense to reinforce counting and colors etc but I like having the lesson plans as my catalyst and accountability. I haven't been this excited about teaching in a very long time and it feels good. Afterall, its been probably 10 years now since I have been apart of the new crayon crowds headed back to school.
To me, there is something so exquisite about a box of new crayons - especially a 64 pack. It seems almost a sacrilege to tamper with their points. That might be why I inwardly have cringed and winced every time Walter has broken, eaten or torn the paper off his crayons. His 3 boxes of toddler sized crayons are in shambles. Evidently, he doesn't understand what sacrilege is yet.
So yesterday I introduced him to the world of watercolor paints. I have done this with caution and not so much because of the mess he could create on almost any flat surface but because the very idea that he might get the colors all mixed up & "dirty" looking is just - unsettling. Clearly, brand new watercolor paint sets are exquisite to me as well.
I might have to get over this so the boy can actually paint without me hovering or I need to get my own paint set!
LOL! You totally need your own paints and crayon box.
I am with you, Lizzie! Something to remember when I have kids... get my own crayons and paints.
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