Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Reviewing the Situation

I have been thinking about my mission with the this blog: Because Hope, Glory and Wonder Abound.
So of all things came to my mind today is a song from Oliver Twist where Fagin is "Reviewing the Situation" of whether to continue as a villain or "turn a new leaf." So I go to google.com to find the lyrics and whose birthday is it but Charles Dickens - author of Oliver Twist. Oh the irony.

This is as far as I got in thinking about my mission other than to read my first 4 blog posts, which I have to say were quite inspiring to me but right now there are toys scattered like landmines all over and I should probably attended to the dump trucks and such....

Check August 2006

1 comment:

Brandy said...

My mission with my blog is that I don't like posting things on Facebook. Plus a few of my blog readers are not on Facebook.

Very cool about the Dickens thing!