Saturday, December 10, 2011

Compassion Gives a Future

I received a letter from my Compassion International Child this week. I have watched -from afar- this Indian boy grow up. His sweet melancholy little 5/6 year old face won my heart almost a decade ago. He has grown into to a tall, smart looking teenager. He said in his letter this week, " I have six months more in school. After my school I am willing to study computer engineering in the college." I was moved to tears.

My sometimes meager, sometimes hard earned funds have helped  a poor boy in India have a future. What an honor to be apart of his life. Now he not only has the chance at college but he knows Jesus too.

I guess once he graduates we will no longer be able to write to me; I will have to wait until Heaven to meet him. What a sweet time that will be.

1 comment:

MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, MFA said...

What a great idea, Liz, to give three gifts symbolizing the gifts of the Magi! Thank you for sharing.

I'm so glad to have found your blog. I've been trying to reach you for several years now. Please contact me at It's important.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!