Thursday, April 02, 2009

A Trip with Tripp on a Perspective Shift

I watched this video clip of Paul Tripp today... it was like a trip out of my frazzled, frustrated and cranky day. (anything in quotes came from the video)

He talked about the "dirty secret of the church"... that the church is full of people with fear, doubt, anxiety and disappointment all that stuff the world has. Christians don't have it together that's clear when I look in the mirror. And why? because of where we put our focus and where we "run to".

When we run to anything other than God, "who is always with us" we will only find disappointment, fear, anxiety, bitterness, frustration etc...

When we experience those things it is clear we have lost our balance and forgotten what we need to always remember that "God is always with us."

The end of the video was most moving to me, he speaks of the tragedy that people say, "God hasn't become this thing that stuns me. That leaves me breathless and leaves me excited."

What a poke to the heart that is. I am ashamed that so often I am not stunned, I am not breathless and I am not excited by God. And, when I am stunned, breathless and excited its because of what He has done not because who He is.

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