The results are mostly red, white and silver. I am still asking the questions though do I tinsel or not?
I hung one of my favorite ornaments. I have had since I was a baby. For the last 3 years, I have been unsure where to hang it. I planned to hang it on my roommate Christmas trees but when I thought about the fact that on Christmas Day I wouldn't see my little angel on a swing I decided to bring it back home to my parents. But now I have my own home and my own tree and I will actually be able to enjoy my little angel on Christmas Day even if it isn't on my parents tree. So here she is...

Sometime I wonder why do we go through all these trappings -Christmas trees, cookies and presents- they really don't have anything to do with Jesus' birthday. And I highly doubt that Jesus was even born on December 25th. Nevertheless there is some thing nice about the warm glow of the lights and the shiny red balls that make a drab day pretty special. Not to mention many of the ornaments hold special memories or remind me of special people.
... The question still does remain to tinsel or not to tinsel...
1 comment:
You know, Russ and I debate this every year. So far, not tinseling has won, but maybe next year. We really can't decide either.
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