Well at least Brandy is wondering...
From my lack of blogging you would think I have been busy. Yes, you could say that you could also say that my poorly set up computer desk is just not conducive to wanting to blog late at night when I am finally home from work, fed, errands run and mind wasted on
American Idol or
So what's new? A new TV came in the mail this week. The girl taking my place at the House in May bought a new one. It is the best picture I have seen in years! Walter said we couldn't get a new one, but then he hasn't seen this one. I think a new TV would solve his static problems.
Lately for me, its like Christmas everyday! Its fun to see who sent RSVP cards and sometimes there are boxes from Bed, Bath and Beyond!
On March 1 my mom and Carrie had my family & friends Bridal Shower. (I will post pictures another day.) On March 26 the ladies at work threw me a shower. I am amazed at the generosity of people. Both showers were a great blessing to me.
On St. Patrick's Day, (the anniversary of our 1st Date) we went to get a marriage license. It actually took us longer to find a parking spot than to get a license to get married! We had our final session with the pastor. Then, we took my car to the shop because Walter was afraid my tire was about to blow. We were fortunate that the mechanic could take care of it that day. We took the train to Philadelphia to buy wedding bands. Gold is high these days so its not a good time to buy gold rings. Later that night we went to the place we had our first date - Ruby Tuesdays.
I am starting to feel the pinch of last minute things. I have decided not to worry about where Walter's parents will stay. He said that it was their responsibility - this is good for me.
I need to choose songs for the ceremony. I am hoping their will be some nice pink flowers in bloom for the reception centerpieces and that the weather will be nice.
Walter and his dad got new suits today. That's a weight off my mind. I have also begun to move my things over to his apartment. Over half of my books are there and most of my hanging clothes. My mom and I spent most of Saturday cleaning the apartment from top to bottom (Walter is out of town) its squeaky clean and Murphy oiled, windows were glistening and all dust bunnies had been properly sucked up.
So that's what has been going on. Oh yeah, I am looking for a new job and looking forward to seeing the dentist on the 8th. To be honest, I am looking forward to the dentist more than I am looking for or forward to finding a new job!
For all the "stresses", decisions or changes that are soon to be taking place I much rather have them than not have Walter or the pleasure of marrying him.