Friday, November 30, 2007

Pie Dough Confessions

I can't say I have ever made my own pie crust. I hear that if you play with the dough too much the pie crust won't come out right. (Although with a cursory look online I can't something to quote.)

Though I have no first hand knowledge of pie crust gone bad, I feel at times as though I ankle deep in pie dough and my hands are a mess with it. It is when I am meddling or putting the cart before the horse trying to force my agenda or hurry God up that I get the sense that I am ruining the pie crust by my hands being so much in the moment or the mess.

I told my boss I feel like am ruining the pie crust with my putting the horse before the cart. He said, "No you?!!?" He knows my propensity for getting ahead of myself.

My hands almost feel messy. Its been happening a lot lately. Its no good, even though I am conscious of my errors its so hard to break out of this pattern and keep my hands off the dough as much as possible! Though there is not much I can do about the already ruined "pie crusts", I am trying to check myself and say, "Liz you are playing with the pie dough too much."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I think we are all guilty of that from time to time. It is hard! I like how you put it into words.