Like clock work the same tree in front of the same house in the same town always starts to change colors at the same time every year. It's the same tree but with a different crop of leaves yet the leaves always seem to follow in the tradition of being one of the first trees to hint that autumn is coming.
I am always amazed at the clockwork of this tree each year.
My clock works (and its the same one I used as a little girl) it just has a hard time getting me up and out of bed. But I am turning over a new leaf. Attempting to get to work by 8:30am each day. In recent months, I have been edging closer to 9am and this is not really acceptable.
I'd like to get up at 7am so I can have time to unload the dishwasher or eat breakfast at home instead of work. I have been more successful at getting to work by 8:30 than I have of getting up at 7am.
I guess change happens -one leaf at a time.
I'd really like to get to a point were I am drinking more water. Seems silly but I believe I am dehydrating myself! I think that will be the next leaf to turn over.
1 comment:
Funny, I still use the same alarm clock I had when I was younger too! Although my two little blonde head alarms clocks always go off first! LOL
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