Vote for me signs are everywhere lately. I have know idea who they are. I have only lived here little over a year... What struck me as funny other than the awful green signs with the blue lettering (they are very unreadable) is the fact that none of the signs tell you when election day is. Unlike my hometown this town doesn't send sample ballots... so I am really at a loss.
Strange thing is as I was driving into work today, at a major intersection there were about 6 people on 4 corners -all walks of life- holding "vote for me signs." One guy just held the sign up straight in the air never giving his arms a break.... he could give Moses a run for his money!
Another guy was holding two signs giving them both a shake shake. The whole thing was just weird; I thought I had stumbled into a strike or a political protest. Never have I seen anything like this! Though I could see it happening on Election Day maybe.... which begged the whole question of when the heck is Election Day and I hope it is soon because I have no patience for "elect me" lawn signs for the rest of the summer! Today's not Election Day is it? There wouldn't be elections on a Friday!
What it boils down to is spring elections create little enthusiasm and maybe that was the purpose of the human held elect me lawn signs -making the election a little bit more personal... But I don't need that on my morning commute... anymore than I need a guy standing on a corner with sign reading "Going Out of Business- Everything must go! No offer will be refused!" It amounts to the about the same thing drumming up business...
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