Tonight was social night for the Bible study girls -destination the Devon Horse Show.
While waiting for everyone to show up we watched the end of Seinfeld.
In this episode, George was freaking out because his "worlds" were colliding. His friend Elaine started hanging out with his girlfriend and George wanted to keep his friends separate from his girlfriend. George said, "World's are colliding! George is getting upset!"
I've never been to the Devon Horse Show. However, I have been to the 4-H fair. It didn't take too long to figure out that there is a pretty big difference. At a 4-H fair you'll find the usually farm animals, as well as plenty of kids and adults in jeans and boots or sneakers. You'll find people from average middle class families - real down to earth types. But at the Devon Horse, I noticed that worlds were colliding before my very eyes! Just like George I kept saying, "World's are colliding!" I can't say I was getting upset but I was overly visually stimulated! I wish had been able to take pictures... but here is a visual snapshot of worlds colliding it might make for an interesting tale... maybe a horse tale.
I'll start out there... with the horse's tale... The horse's tale was dragging on the ground! I never saw a tale so long before! He was the Crystal Gail of horses! The horse's rider wore a shirt with large sequins. They won. But honestly, all the horses were doing the same thing I don't know how they pick a winner.
Throughout the show/competition there was someone playing an organ, which reminded me of Larry Ferrari who none of you will remember or even know about but... it was a fond memory from childhood.
Then, there was green pants guy... He wore kelly green pants, a non-matching striped shirt and one of those scarf things that men who drink port and smoke pipes wear. He walked around like he drinks port and smokes pipes too.
There was yellow dress girl... Her dress was too short and her bosoms were hanging out. She was walking around with a good looking guy who was wearing seersucker shorts. I don't know a single guy who wears seersucker shorts. (Ok maybe I have seen my Grampop wear something in a seersucker.) Clearly though this guy fell into the preppy world of which apparently I am not a part of... was I ever?
Cowgirl... like you would imagine... jeans and dusty boots but not like the type of boots that look like she is trying to prove to the world that she is a cowgirl... but rather some dusty boots and a radiating sense that she just loves horses.
Satin Sheek woman... she was actually the first woman I noticed that indicated to me that worlds would be colliding. She was perfect elegance in olive green satin and black lace and chiffon and a fancy black hat. She probably had heels on though I didn't see for myself. No one with any sense would wear a getup like that with anything but black heels... and there she was hovering around a horse. You know a horse... big strapping beast ...
I must not forget... big old honking diamond ring woman... if I were a fearless thief with a knife... I could retire with that finger. Oh my gosh that's really gross I know. I can't help myself that's what I thought though when I saw it. I also wondered if it was really real...
Oh yeah... 80 year old woman in heels... nuf said.
I could go on about all the women in sundresses and pumps verses the women in shorts or capri's and sensible sneakers (like me ;-) or turquoise & cowgirl hats verses the bobbly pearls and feathery hats...
Men with bow ties or should I say men who would wear bow ties...
There were lots of dogs too. Oh and one lady was pushing her dog around in enclosed stroller just for dogs. So people really do that!
I have also wondered who are the people who buy the capris that I see in catalogs with dragonflies and palm trees embroidered all over them... I found out who they are tonight!
Get this, at the concession stand you could get hummus and pita -now where have you ever seen that? I won't complain it seemed like a good idea... but you can tell that a hotdog and funnel cake isn't going to be sufficient for some of their clientele...
You know I've heard about some of these types of people existing, yet I have only heard about or seen them on TV. I've rarely if ever seen them in my world! And there I was seeing them all collide together Old Money and new money... and no money. Horse lovers and prestige lovers. Sensible sneakers and slip on pumps. General admission and boxed seats! People who just like horses or funnel cake and people who actually know what they are watching!
This was all in just 2 hours. I wonder what it feels like to be the cowgirl surrounded by elegant hat-topped women in heels at every horse show... ?
This is why subcultures are so interesting to me... people gathering together for a common goal or interest whether it be rocks and minerals or Star Trek. In tonight's case its horses... and I was just amazed at the type of people that horses bring together. Or should I say horses bring many worlds into collision... Maybe someone more involved in this subculture could say how they all get along with each other. Maybe its all fine for them. As for me, I was exhausted from this evening of people watching and worlds colliding and I have retreated into the world I know. I think I will stick with going to the 4-H fair... its more my speed... more of my own people there.
But maybe it is a good thing that so many different people can be united or collided together ... because there are certainly a great many things that people of various backgrounds still need to come together on. There are important things and we don't want to end up freaking out like George saying, "World's are colliding! George is getting upset!" But Rather "World's are colliding! Isn't that wonderful!"
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
In the clouds? in the pond... in the news!

I don't have my head in the clouds... but it sure does look like I have my head in the azaleas! Some random thoughts from the day...
During my I-need-fresh-air-walk, as usual I stopped to check out the fish in the pond next door. There was a lady feeding the fish crushed up potato chips. It was fun to watch the fish feed in a frenzy, but I couldn't stop thinking about whether it was good for the fish and the goslings that later came on to the scene to eat potato chips. The pond had a rainbowy oil slick from all the potato chip grease. It kind of took the pleasure out it for me and then I started to think about the fact that I eat potato chips... maybe I have an oil slick in me!
Tonight, I read an article on Prince and his plans for the future... on
It said:
The 48-year-old, who said he was getting his inspiration these days fromSo I couldn't but think this was very interesting. The Word is alive and perhaps his studying will change his life for eternal good. It also occurred to me that maybe his former background singer/dancer Shelia E. has a part to play. She is a Christian perhaps she still is in contact with him. Perhaps she prays for him...
"prophets from the Bible", added that he did not expect to be back in London
performing for some time after the 2007 visit.
"That's another reason why we're trying to stay so long. I just need to take some time off for study and travel." When asked what he was studying, he replied: "The Bible".
Friday, May 04, 2007
Mill & Bryn Mawr Ave.
Its not the first time I have had revelation and/or startling at the intersection of Mill and Bryn Mawr. There was the time I blanked out and had know idea where I was -now that was very startling!
So today, I waited at the red light as a woman turned the corner coming around what felt like dangerously close to me! I said to myself, "We put so much trust in our fellow drivers not to kill us, maim us, or at the very least damage our car or catch our heart in our throat when just nearly scrape by all the above!"
It hardly seems possible to me that I could have so much trust in so many people who for moments in passing have my life in there hands and yet I have a hard time trusting God!
Why is it that it is so difficult to trust God, yet we trust our fellow drivers as they weave in and out and maneuver these machines in and out of parking spaces with such apparent skill. When really haven't we all learned it by trial and error?
Perhaps... we trust God more than we think we do because we trust fellow drivers. And isn't God in control of each of them? Or perhaps its not that we trust fellow drivers, its that we don't fully comprehend that we aren't the only people on the road! We drive around these people coming in and out of their lives running into anger, frustration and impatience and not enough waving people on who want to turn left.
Maybe its not so much that we put our trust in so many drivers but that so many drivers put their trust in you and me -the driver.
So today, I waited at the red light as a woman turned the corner coming around what felt like dangerously close to me! I said to myself, "We put so much trust in our fellow drivers not to kill us, maim us, or at the very least damage our car or catch our heart in our throat when just nearly scrape by all the above!"
It hardly seems possible to me that I could have so much trust in so many people who for moments in passing have my life in there hands and yet I have a hard time trusting God!
Why is it that it is so difficult to trust God, yet we trust our fellow drivers as they weave in and out and maneuver these machines in and out of parking spaces with such apparent skill. When really haven't we all learned it by trial and error?
Perhaps... we trust God more than we think we do because we trust fellow drivers. And isn't God in control of each of them? Or perhaps its not that we trust fellow drivers, its that we don't fully comprehend that we aren't the only people on the road! We drive around these people coming in and out of their lives running into anger, frustration and impatience and not enough waving people on who want to turn left.
Maybe its not so much that we put our trust in so many drivers but that so many drivers put their trust in you and me -the driver.
I Guess its that time of year again...
Vote for me signs are everywhere lately. I have know idea who they are. I have only lived here little over a year... What struck me as funny other than the awful green signs with the blue lettering (they are very unreadable) is the fact that none of the signs tell you when election day is. Unlike my hometown this town doesn't send sample ballots... so I am really at a loss.
Strange thing is as I was driving into work today, at a major intersection there were about 6 people on 4 corners -all walks of life- holding "vote for me signs." One guy just held the sign up straight in the air never giving his arms a break.... he could give Moses a run for his money!
Another guy was holding two signs giving them both a shake shake. The whole thing was just weird; I thought I had stumbled into a strike or a political protest. Never have I seen anything like this! Though I could see it happening on Election Day maybe.... which begged the whole question of when the heck is Election Day and I hope it is soon because I have no patience for "elect me" lawn signs for the rest of the summer! Today's not Election Day is it? There wouldn't be elections on a Friday!
What it boils down to is spring elections create little enthusiasm and maybe that was the purpose of the human held elect me lawn signs -making the election a little bit more personal... But I don't need that on my morning commute... anymore than I need a guy standing on a corner with sign reading "Going Out of Business- Everything must go! No offer will be refused!" It amounts to the about the same thing drumming up business...
Strange thing is as I was driving into work today, at a major intersection there were about 6 people on 4 corners -all walks of life- holding "vote for me signs." One guy just held the sign up straight in the air never giving his arms a break.... he could give Moses a run for his money!
Another guy was holding two signs giving them both a shake shake. The whole thing was just weird; I thought I had stumbled into a strike or a political protest. Never have I seen anything like this! Though I could see it happening on Election Day maybe.... which begged the whole question of when the heck is Election Day and I hope it is soon because I have no patience for "elect me" lawn signs for the rest of the summer! Today's not Election Day is it? There wouldn't be elections on a Friday!
What it boils down to is spring elections create little enthusiasm and maybe that was the purpose of the human held elect me lawn signs -making the election a little bit more personal... But I don't need that on my morning commute... anymore than I need a guy standing on a corner with sign reading "Going Out of Business- Everything must go! No offer will be refused!" It amounts to the about the same thing drumming up business...
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