I've just been reading on cnn.com Dating site asks 'are you hot enough?
Hotenough.com ... how about justnormal.com ?
This might be why the world is amuck... or more likely just a symptom of a world in a muck.
The article says:
"HotEnough.org is for "fit, good-looking" people. Prospective members must submit pictures and must be rated an 8 or higher by people already in the club." "The 33-year-old said he and his partner, Sean Cohen, created the site after concluding that Internet dating sites attract a lot of brave and desperate people but not particularly attractive ones." "Candidates must send in three pictures, including one full-body shot. Active members rate the pictures online without knowing anything else about the people in them." "People can say that the site is shallow, they can say it's superficial, but I think we're all a bit superficial when it comes to dating," Pellegrino said.
I guess to some looks really are all that matter. Now granted I too have seen some pretty unattractive people in my online dating exploits but to have an online dating sight that is solely based on looks feels like discrimination mixed with narcissism to me. Never mind that a beautiful woman may have the attention span of a goldfish or a handsome guy may be cruel and enjoy kicking dogs across the room... as long as they are good looking who cares.
Ok so maybe I am still a little bitter that there persists this "pretty people" population who think that they can perpetuate their species beyond the doors of high school thus continuing to condemn and judge the world of average looking beauties not pretty enough for them...
Granted I wouldn't want to be with someone who looks like Attila the Hun or the Elephant man.
I think it might be better to have a dating website called justnormal.com.
In which only normal people are admitted. Those with social disorders such as fear of commitment or fear of having children need not apply nor should those who are afraid to leave their house or who have piles of newspapers and beer cans lining their walls. And to protect the guys from women running around like loose emotional canons, women would be blocked from participating during PMS... its just safer for everyone that way!
I guess it is just indicative of a world that centers on "me" and what "I" want versus being open to what God wants... or being open to God at all.
It's a shallow world full of shallow godless people and it just becomes more and more evident in the dating world everyday. However, at the same time I am becoming more and more convinced that those who seek God can rest assured that He has a plan to bring people together whether He chooses to use the online dating site you've signed up with or not is entirely up to Him.
Liz, I can't tell you how glad I was to hit "next blog" and get yours! Mine is http://good-knights-news.blogspot.com/
I wanted to see that someone else was "writing for Christ!" I am totally new to the blog-business but am desperately trying to do something new! Your words are compelling (I read several of your writings and enjoyed the "snapshots" and the 101 list!) You keep on doing what God has called you to do!
I feel an urgency like I never have to get in His Word as if it is food and I am starving! The world is literally starving and don't realize it. I pray that your site is visited much! The Lord is broadening my scope so that I see more and wiping the lense so that what I see....I see clearly. If you get a chance, go to my blog. I didn't know how much personal info to put, so I was very vague. I live in the panhandle of Florida (which I elude to in one of the writings), am a wife, mother, Nana, legal secretary and most of all a God chaser! Thanks for your inspirational thoughts! Angie Knight
I don't think hot girls need to be on sites like this to get dates. Perhaps vanity is some factor. Not sure this really is a major appeal for hot women. I believe MillionaireMatch.com is more of a draw than this site for hot women
LOL! Liz, that is the best post ever! LOL!
On a serious note, I sure hope things change before my daughters begin dating. Oh start praying now!
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