Last Friday I guess you could say I experienced a case of "6 degrees of separation." Or maybe it was the Holy Spirit doing what He does best -speaking through people to other people and sometimes to entirely different people even after the words were spoken.
I was leafing through a book my boss helped write. I admit I had never leafed through this book (The Practical Calvinist) before. I came across a name I recognized Andree Seu (a writer for World Magazine and also an employee at Westminster Theological Seminary) and read her anecdotal contribution. Speaking of one of the professors she shared how during a time of open prayer at church she prayed and remembered it being a time of "self-pity and unbelief."
She said, "When prayer time was closed I opened my eyes to see Dr. Davis standing inches from my face. He looked me in the eye and said only, 'Most of the world's work is done by people who don't feel good.'"
I have never met Dr. Davis, but he might as well have been standing right in my face that Friday saying the very same thing to me. Here I am wracked with the same self-pity and unbelief that Andree knew and I want to believe I am not a hopeless case.
This little rendezvous with the Holy Spirit's gift of speaking through people again and again had a second appearance that day. I got to thinking about another Westminster professor Al Groves who is battling terminal cancer. He said this on blog on January 16, 2007: "He (God) still ferrets out the issues in my heart and leads me in repentance. The need for sanctification never ends; difficult circumstances have not given me a free pass." (yeah that one undid me.)
Dr. Davis was right "most of the world's work is done by people who don't feel good." People like Al Groves.
The power of the written word and the recorded spoken word is powerful to the saving of the soul for eternity. Sometimes those words save the saved soul that feels a little broken by her day or week or year.
Speak Holy Spirit, I want to listen. I want to obey.
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