Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ignorance is Bliss

"Ignorance is Bliss" so the saying goes. Whoever said it was right. There are some things that will eventually come to light anyhow that we are better off not knowing right now. Tonight I learned something and now knowing "it" just irks me. I felt better not knowing because now I am full of wondering what it means. Does what I know mean what I think? Does what I know have a logical explanation that wouldn't make me upset. I feel upset now I wish I didn't know...

Also, today I was reminded of something I did that I want to forget. An image tortured me as I was driving over the bridge gripping the steering wheel as if my grip would somehow prevent the image from playing out any further. Would that the grip would ground out the image from my memory.

There is a difference between facing things that need to be dealt with and waiting for things to develop rather than poking around looking for stuff to worry about. I wish I hadn't poked around for information that will eventually reveal itself. I wished I had faced the haunting memory head on instead of cringing it away.

Ignorance is bliss so choose what you want to know carefully.


Anonymous said...

I've always wished to live in ignorance, thinking that it would be bliss... yet it never seems to work out. I read a quote once, "And now, dear friend, it seems that I must buy knowledge with peace." So true here on earth.

But, I suspect that there is someone out there who is not afraid of knowing all things, and who can grant peace in spite of, perhaps, because of, His full knowledge.

Janel said...

For me, it depends on what type of "ignorance" it is...

If it's something that will make me think ill of someone, and won't matter one ounce either way whether I know it or not, I don't want to know. It's bliss.

If I have to deal with a circumstance that will greatly hinder my response/reaction if I do or don't know a certain thing, no matter how painful, I want to know. It's not bliss because it will ultimately "get me" in the end, and I won't be happy.

See, I read you're blog even if you don't read mine. ;)