The twinkling Christmas lights on the porch gave a feel of festivity and welcoming home. The green and white beckoned me to enter. I remember the first time I walked in. I knew immediately I was at home.
Not the kind of home that comes with parents and remnants of childhood still up in the attic and in the backs of closets, but a new different kind of home. A home so full of history, its a wonder the walls don't talk. A home this seems to hold you in the palm of its hand and wraps its walls around you like a blanket. A home that nurtured despite leaking pipes or peeling lead paint. I felt so blessed and honored to become a part of the ongoing history.
Then there were the others living in the house. They offered so much to the experience of this special home. Wonderful, witty and vibrant women who loved candlelit dinners on the porch, snuggling up with cats and cozy blankets while watching PBS and offering words of wisdom and comfort when life outside the house got tough.
It has been over a year since I got married and moved out of the house, I have at times deeply missed this home and my friends. I still had a key partly because I just couldn't give it up and partly because there were still remnants of mine there that I might need to get one day. But I gave up the key this week and said a final good-bye to the house. You see those wonderful women I lived with are moving on. Its almost tragic to think of them not being there and of my home belonging to someone else.
I can't help but wonder did that glorious, nurturing, in the palms of His hands feeling always belong to that house or did it descend on the house 8 +/- years ago when a handful of recent college graduates needed a place to live and God opened the door of this home... His home for all of us however short or long our stay. Regardless of how long, I hope the feeling continues for the new tenants or owners so they to can know the joy and honor of living in such a home.
No matter where I live and no matter who lives there this home will always be in my heart.