Friday, February 29, 2008


I have faint memories of being surrounded as a young child. Surrounded by Weeble Wobbles, coloring books, Playskool's Sesame Street, and dolls while watching T.V. I could never just sit still and do one thing.

As you can see from the picture, things haven't changed I am still often surrounded! Only this time it wasn't Weeble Wobbles or even my grown up "toy" -quilting. This time its all the little enclosures that go into wedding invitations!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

6,307, 200 to Go

I was reminded via a bouquet of Valentine Flowers that there are only 6,307,200 seconds to go until the Wedding Day. I will stick to thinking in terms of days not seconds. Besides I have always had trouble saying numerical words for anything over a hundred thousand.

Now a frequent question I get is "How are the wedding plans going?"
And great progress has been made. Why people say you need a year to plan a wedding is beyone me.

So far we have a wedding dress & veil, photographer, a caterer (menu is selected), DJ is reserved, the invitations arrived today, and florist has been booked. Mom has her dress, Dad has a new suit and mom found the cutest little pale pink dress for our flower girl at TJMaxx.

There has been some consternation over colors which is not fully decided yet but by God there will be pink flowers! So now all that is left to do is little stuff, favors, addressing envelopes, picking out music for the play list & ceremony, finding a bridesmaid dress (ok this one is not so little), arrange who sits where at the reception, pick out flowers etc. I am sure there are lots of other things, but for the most part I am remaining calm. The hardest part is done and that is getting the groom and I Thank God for him. He's done good.

Punch Buggy - Yellow

Just as I come out of my driveway and groggily approach a stop sign there is a yellow VW beetle at the corner house. It's like a little bit of summer in the winter gray gloom. I find that some mornings it serves as a little bright morning pick me up. And Lord knows I need all the help I can get as I become increasinly more and more not a morning person!